Grant Due ( FY 2023 Youth Violence Prevention Program

FY 2023 Youth Violence Prevention Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to develop and enhance strategies to prevent youth violence, including youth gang or group involvement and youth gang or group violence. The program aims to use funding to implement violence prevention strategies targeted toward middle and high school age youth who have multiple risk factors for violence. 

Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City or township governments, county governments, for-profit organizations other than small businesses, independent school districts, Native American tribal governments, nonprofits, and institutions of higher education


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 12, 2023 (, June 26, 2023 (JustGrants) 

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Smart Reentry: Expanding Jail Programs and Services

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Smart Reentry: Expanding Jail Programs and Services

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to improve jail reentry programs and services available to individuals who are incarcerated in jails and upon their return to the community. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City or township governments, county governments, Native American tribal governments (federally recognized), and special district governments


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 5, 2023 (, June 12, 2023 (JustGrants)

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor Children

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor Children

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides funding to eligible applicants to develop programs within detention or correctional facilities to respond to the needs of incarcerated parents who have children younger than age 18. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State and local governments, for-profit organizations, Native American tribal governments and tribal organizations, nonprofits, institutions of higher education, and small businesses


WHEN'S IT DUE? May 30, 2023 (, June 12, 2023 (JustGrants)

Grant Due: FY 2023 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Talent Challenge Program

FY 2023 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Talent Challenge Program 

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The STEM Talent Challenge aims to create and implement STEM talent development strategies that complement regional innovation economies. These strategies should prioritize skills related to critical, emerging technologies and transformative industries. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, Indian Tribes, and cities or political subdivisions of the state


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 12, 2023 

«June 2023»

Grant Due: FY 2023 WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects

Grant Due: FY 2023 WaterSMART Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Projects

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to provide funding for the restoration and protection of aquatic ecosystems. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority located in Reclamation States, including entities and organizations that own a dam that is eligible for upgrade, modification, or removal. Nonprofit conservation organizations working in partnership with the entities listed above or that notify entities listed above are also eligible to apply.


WHEN'S IT DUE?  June 1, 2023

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Grant Due: FY 2023 Screening and Treatment for Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

FY 2023 Screening and Treatment for Maternal Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to expand health care providers’ capacity to screen, assess, treat, and refer pregnant and postpartum people for maternal mental health and substance use disorders. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, Indian tribes and tribal organizations/institutions


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 2, 2023

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides funding for communities to develop coordinated and comprehensive community-based approaches to assist children and their families who are exposed to violence build resilience and prevent future juvenile violence and delinquency. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local governments, independent school districts, Native American tribes and tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education, special district governments, and states


WHEN'S IT DUE? May 24, 2023 (, June 7, 2023 (JustGrants) 

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to promote public safety by combating opioid abuse among youth by implementing programs and strategies that identify, respond to, treat, and support children, youth, and families impacted by the opioid epidemic and other substance use disorders. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City, township, and county governments, public, private, and state-controlled institutions of higher education, federally recognized Native American tribal governments and organizations, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, public housing authorities and Indian housing authorities, and state governments


WHEN'S IT DUE? May 25, 2023 (, June 8, 2023 (JustGrants)

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Grant Due: FY 2023 Basic Center Program

FY 2023 Basic Center Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides emergency shelter and counseling services to runaway and homeless youth, under the age of 18, who have left home without the permission of their parents or guardians; have been forced to leave their home; cannot live safely with a parent, legal guardian, or relative; have no other safe alternative living arrangement; or other homeless youth who might otherwise end up in contact with law enforcement or in the child welfare, mental health, or juvenile justice systems. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Public and private nonprofit entities and combinations of such entities


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 9, 2023

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Services for Minor Victims of Human Trafficking

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The goal of this program is to provide services that address the needs of minor victims of sex and labor trafficking through a continuum of trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and gender responsive services to ensure their safety, security, and healing and to prevent them from being directed to or involved in the justice system. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State and local governments, federally recognized Native American tribes, nonprofit organizations having a 501(c)(3) status, institutions of higher education, and public housing authorities


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 6, 2023 (, June 13, 2023 (JustGrants)

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Grant Due: FY 2023 Composting and Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program

Grant Due: FY 2023 Composting and Food Waste Reduction Pilot Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides cooperative agreements with

eligible entities to develop and test strategies for planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food waste reduction plans. Proposed projects can be located in all community types including rural, urban and suburban. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Municipalities, school districts, counties, local

governments, special district governments, tribal governments, and tribal organizations.


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 15, 2023

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Grant Due: FY 2023 Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking Services and Outreach Program (DVHT-SO)

Grant Due: FY 2023 Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking Services and Outreach Program (DVHT-SO)

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to fund organizations that will build, expand, and sustain organizational and local capacity to deliver services to domestic victims of severe forms of human trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended through victim outreach, identification, case management, direct services, assistance, and referrals. Click here for more information. 

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Local and state governments, special districts, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, private institutions of higher education, and nonprofit organizations.  

WHEN'S IT DUE? June 22, 2023

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Youth Violence Prevention Program

FY 2023 Youth Violence Prevention Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to develop and enhance strategies to prevent youth violence, including youth gang or group involvement and youth gang or group violence. The program aims to use funding to implement violence prevention strategies targeted toward middle and high school age youth who have multiple risk factors for violence. 

Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? City or township governments, county governments, for-profit organizations other than small businesses, independent school districts, Native American tribal governments, nonprofits, and institutions of higher education


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 12, 2023 (, June 26, 2023 (JustGrants) 

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2023 Reimagining Justice: Testing a New Model of Community Safety

FY 2023 Reimagining Justice: Testing a New Model of Community Safety

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is for development, implementation, and testing of new or innovative approaches to achieving community safety that are alternatives to a traditional enforcement model for communities experiencing a precipitous increase in less serious and lower-level crimes. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education; Native American tribal governments and organizations; nonprofits with or without a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Native American tribal organizations; private institutions of higher education; and other (Local non-law enforcement government agencies)


WHEN'S IT DUE? June 20, 2023 (, June 27, 2023 (JustGrants)

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US Congressional Calendar

9 December 2024

TFG Presents 2025 Congressional Calendar

The Ferguson Group (TFG) compiled a 2025 Congressional Calendar with session and recess dates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate 119th congressional session. 

Latest TFG News

28 January 2025

TFG Monitoring Developments of Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs

On January 27, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump issued a memorandum titled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The directive mandates Federal agencies to temporarily suspend the obligation and disbursement of federal financial assistance while conducting a comprehensive review of programs and awards to ensure alignment with the administration’s policies and priorities. As part of this review, agencies are also instructed to temporarily suspend the issuance of new program solicitations.

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Zachary Hancock

Zachary Hancock

Grants Data Analyst

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